Dr Xavier Bray
Director - The Wallace Collection

Dr Bray joined The Wallace Collection on 1 November 2016, from the Dulwich Picture Gallery, where he was the Chief Curator. Xavier was most recently the Guest Curator of the acclaimed Goya: The Portraits exhibition at the National Gallery.
After completing a Ph.D at Trinity College, Dublin, Dr Bray began his career as Assistant Curator at the National Gallery, London, and as Chief Curator at the Museum of Fine Arts, Bilbao before moving the the Dulwich Picture Gallery in 2011. He has curated and co-curated a number of exhibitions, which include: A Brush with Nature: The Gere Collection of Oil Sketches, An Intimate Vision: Women Impressionists, El Greco, Caravaggio, Velazquez, The Sacred Made Real: Spanish Painting and Sculpture 1600-1700, Murillo and Justino de Neve: The Art of Friendship and most recently, Goya: The Portraits.
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