






Contract type:

Contract Permanent


Part time


020 7306 0055


Key Accountabilities:

Managing, developing and cataloguing the Gallery’s library in accordance with professional and in-house standards including identification of future priorities and managing projects.
Cataloguing incoming book stock and serial titles to MARC21, RDA and AACR2 standards, using the Library’s electronic information management system, EOS.
Reviewing existing priorities for cataloguing of historic stock and proposing forward cataloguing plans; cataloguing the backlog.
Assuming day-to-day responsibility (liaising with relevant colleagues) for Library Management System (EOS), including external liaison with system supplier as required.
Managing the Library budgets.
Maintenance and development of electronic and print journal collections, including management of subscriptions, oversight of checking in and indexing of new issues, maintenance of electronic access.
Maintaining the relevant Gallery membership subscriptions.
Stock selection and acquisitions: responsible for sourcing, ordering and receiving book orders and responding to suggestions from Gallery staff.
Overseeing the circulation processes associated with library borrowing by Gallery staff.
Line managing the 0.6 Library Assistant as required and supervising their library-related tasks (which will include provision of public service, stock maintenance, logging new periodicals, re-shelving).
Recruiting and supervising volunteers engaged in Library tasks.
Providing a research and enquiry service for staff and the public including answering library enquiries received by letter or email and retrieval of material on request.
Invigilating, in conjunction with other Archive & Library staff, the Public Study Room: keeping the appointments diary; answering preliminary enquiries; providing general introductions and assistance; ensuring that conditions of access are observed and fragile materials are handled safely; helping to maintain facilities in good order (e.g. photocopier, computers, finding aids, reference material, microfilm equipment).
Developing and providing appropriate internal training and promoting best practice to staff.
Promoting the use of the library to a range of users both internal and external, including inductions, small to medium sized tours and other training sessions as require
Revising or creating relevant policies, plans and procedures in relation to the Library as required by the Senior Archive & Library manager.
Keeping abreast of developments in the sector and liaising with external partners.
Any other duties that may be required by the Gallery.

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