Kathryn Blacker
Chief Executive - York Museums Trust

York Museums Trust appointed Kathryn Blacker as its next Chief Executive following the departure of Reyahn King who has moved to the National Trust for Scotland. Kathryn Blacker previously was Chapter Steward at York Minster where she worked for nine years. During that time Kathryn led on the transformation of the lay workforce, overseen projects to diversify income, ensure financial and environmental sustainability, implemented systems to understand audiences and business better and led a programme to invest in the wider estate. Prior to her role at York Minster Kathryn worked in the cultural sector for 15 years, initially at the BBC as part of the team which delivered BAFTA Interactive award-winning programmes and later at the Science Museum Group where she led on public activities, exhibitions and events as Deputy Director of the National Science and Media Museum at Bradford.
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