
'Striking the Balance' between public access and commercial reuse of digital content 05/02/2016


A new report commissioned by the NMDC from the Collections Trust examines how museums are balancing the twin aims of maximising public access to their digital content and promoting their own financial sustainability. »more

Exhibition and event highlights 2016 02/02/2016


A selection of highlights from our members' programmes, from major exhibitions to more unusual events. »more

Museums fighting cuts 03/12/2015


Jim Richardson of Sumo blogs his experience of running our I Love Museums campaign. »more

NMDC response to Comprehensive Spending Review 25/11/2015


NMDC is delighted that the Chancellor has recognised museums’ “rich contribution to society and our economy” by committing to maintain their funding until 2020. »more

I Love Museums takes to the road 08/11/2015


We travel from Exeter to Scotland to promote the I Love Museums campaign. »more

Bob and Roberta Smith Loves Museums 08/10/2015


In a blog for the Art Fund the artist Bob and Roberta Smith writes about how museums can forge connections between generations, and pledges his support for the I Love Museums campaign. »more

Museums Matter 08/10/2015


NMDC has published a new document, Museums Matter, setting out the case for investment in museums ahead of the Government’s Comprehensive Spending Review. »more

NMDC article in Adjacent Government shows why museums matter 28/08/2015


NMDC has contributed an article to a Culture and Heritage special report in August 2015's Adjacent Government magazine. The article illustrates why museums matter and why it is important to get people to say why they love museums. »more

NMDC produces guidance on EU PSI Directive 04/08/2015


NMDC has produced guidance for museums about the EU Public Sector Information Directive, which "public museums" now have to be compliant with. NMDC has also produced a Decision Tree to help museums decided whether or not the Directive applies to them. »more

NMDC statement on the protection of cultural heritage in armed conflict 22/07/2015


NMDC has released a statement about the protection of cultural heritage in armed conflict. We welcome the UK Government's commitment to ratify the Hague Convention, and hope this can be achieved swiftly. »more