
Working Internationally Regional Project launched in June 03/07/2014


ICOM-UK with ACE and NMDC are collaborating on a project to help local and regional museums work internationally. »more

Exhibition highlights from NMDC members 2014 06/02/2014


We have brought together a selection of the major exhibitions from our member museums for 2014 - covering everything from mammoths to Vikings, and suffragettes to WW1 commemorations. »more

NMDC responds to Copyright Exceptions Technical Review 16/08/2013


The Government is proposing changing aspects of copyright legislation to make it easier for museums to preserve works in their collection, make works available to view on dedicated terminals, and for librarians and archivists to be able to make single copies of works for visitors for the purpose of private study. NMDC (with other museum sector bodies) has responded to the reviewof the proposed legislative changes. »more

NMDC welcomes changes to the proposed History National Curriculum 08/08/2013


NMDC has welcomed the changes the Department of Education has made to their proposals for a revised History National Curriculum for English state-supported schools inour response to the consultation on the revisions. The initial proposal, published in Spring 2013, caused grave concern across the museum sector for a number of reasons including that it would not allow schoolchildren the opportunity to visit a museum or use museum resources as part of their History education. »more

EU Balance of Competences Review: Culture 08/08/2013


NMDC has responded to the Government consultation on the Balance of Competences between the European Union and the UK with regards to Culture. This is part of the evidence the Government is gathering to assess the relationship between the UK and the European Union. »more

NMDC response to the 2013 Spending Review 28/06/2013


NMDC's statement in response to the announcement of a 5% cut to museum funding for 2015/16. »more

Museums and Tourism Briefing 30/04/2013


NMDC has produced a briefing, Museums and Tourism, to show the importance of museums to the tourist economy. Eight of the top ten most popular attractions in the UK are national museums and tourism is the UK's 5th largest industry and is creating jobs. The briefing shows that museums are driving economic development and local investment across the UK. »more

NMDC responds to proposals for a new History Curriculum 16/04/2013


NMDC has responded to the Department for Education's proposals for a new History Curriculum as part of the review of the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 - 3. Our response is available onlinehere. »more

Loans from national museums 20/02/2013


NMDC has produced a briefing looking at the breadth and variety of loans made by national museums to museums, heritage organisations and venues across the UK. »more