
Good curators at risk? – Collections Trust Manifesto for good curatorship 05/02/2013


With many curators retiring, the Collections Trust says that collection knowledge risks being lost with them. »more

Arts Council confirms it will pass on cuts to Major Partner Museums 05/02/2013


Three per cent cuts over two years for all larger funding agreements. »more

Exhibition Highlights 2013 05/02/2013


This list brings together the major exhibitions of NMDC members during 2013. »more

In our opinion 28/01/2013


Dr Michael Dixon, Chair of the NMDC and Director of the Natural History Museum, and Iain Watson, Director of Tyne and Wear Museums and Archives (and a member of the NMDC Executive), have written articles for M+H Advisor about capitalising on the opportunities of 2012 and facing the challenges of 2013. »more

NMDC welcomes copyright proposals 17/01/2013


NMDC has welcomed copyright proposals published by the Intellectual Property Office which could help museums ensure better public access to parts of their collections. »more

Understanding what motivates the museum goer to give 07/11/2012


NMDC and the Art Fund have commissioned new research to understand why so few museum goers donate when visiting museums, and to discover what will motivate them to give in future. »more

NMDC supports Government legislation for an Orphan Works and Voluntary Extended Copyright Licensing 28/09/2012


The Government has published proposals to modernise copyright licensing which would provide museums with a way to more fully use orphan works and apply for an extended collective license to digitise whole collections. The proposals were debated in the House of Commons on 17th October and will now be debated in the House of Lords. »more

New DfE-funded museums and schools programme 07/09/2012


Ten NMDC members are taking part in a new schools programme in partnership with museums around the country. »more

NMDC membership expansion 03/08/2012


NMDC is delighted to formally confirm that all 16 Renaissance Major Partner Museums are now members of the NMDC. »more

Proposed cap on tax relief on charitable donations dropped 31/05/2012


NMDC is delighted by the news that Government will drop plans to introduce a cap on tax relief on donations to charity. »more