50p for culture campaign launched 10/04/2014
Local authorities urged to spend 50p per person per week on culture. »more
Why we give - UK giving culture dissected 01/04/2014
The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) has produced a new report, Why We Give, which explores responses to the question of what inspires 700 larger donors to give – people who give thousands each year to good causes. »more
Cultural announcements in the Budget 25/03/2014
Cultural Gifts Scheme, cathedrals, theatres and Magna Carta celebrations benefit from the 2014 Budget. »more
European #MuseumWeek launches on Twitter 22/03/2014

Museums across the UK are participating in a Europe wide social media promotion of museums and their work 24th - 30th March 2014 »more
Good programming and new innovations see rise in museum visitor figures 06/03/2014
The Beamish Museum, National Railway Museum and National Museum of Scotland all have a remarkable year - while the British Museum continues to lead the field. »more
Creative Industries: earning £8m every hour 04/02/2014
New figures released by DCMS reveal that the Creative Industries are earning £8 million every hour for the UK, or £71.4 billion every year. The figures have been calculated using a new formula developed with NESTA over the past two years. »more
Two English Heritage reports focus on skills shortage for the future 13/12/2013
There is a risk that traditional heritage skills may be lost with the retirement of a rapidly ageing workforce - but the sector also lacks people with IT knowledge. »more
HLF offers £5m in new round of 'Collecting Cultures' programme 13/12/2013
Substantial grants on offer to add to collections or improve their interpretation. »more
Arts Council responds to 'Rebalancing our Cultural Capital' 13/12/2013
Arts Council acknowledges that there is 'more to do' but argues that some figures in the report which suggested London is getting the lion's share of funding are misleading. »more
London: devouring the lion's share of cultural funding? 05/11/2013
A new reportRebalancing our Cultural Capitaltracks 20 years of government funding to argue that London is getting too large a slice of available funds. »more