A New Enlightenment: Strengthening Civic Museums 09/07/2018

The English Civic Museums Network (ECMN) has published a new report: The Future of Civic Museums: A Think Piece. The think piece, authored by Peter Latchford of Black Radley Ltd, was commissioned to examine the particular qualities, value and importance of civic museums, identify the current challenges they face and explore what they should do to thrive and become more relevant and resilient in the future. »more
Cultural Development Fund offers £20m for towns and cities in England 09/07/2018
Areas can bid for £3-7m for a raft of cultural interventions to increase prosperity. »more
British Council report on trust in international relations 09/07/2018
British Council’s international survey finds museums are among the most trusted UK institutions »more
Tate St Ives wins Museum of the Year 09/07/2018
Judges praise the 'breathtakingly beautiful' gallery extension. »more
DCMS publishes its first statement of ‘Areas of Research Interest’ 07/06/2018
It has also appointed a Chief Scientific Officer to work more closely with UKRI. »more
Art Fund aims to substantially increase its giving by 2020 07/06/2018
It hopes to offer £10m each year in support of collections. »more
Arts Minister announces plans for 'more strategic' sharing of museum objects 11/05/2018
DCMS is in talks with NMDC and ACE to create a strategic framework for loans and skills sharing by national museums. »more
‘Expanding the idea of what a museum can be’: Museum of the Year finalists 11/05/2018
Ferens Art Gallery, Tate St Ives, Glasgow Women's Library, Brooklands Museum and The Postal Museum on the shortlist for £100k prize. »more
Dealing with contested history 11/05/2018
Ulster Museum addresses the Troubles in a new object rich exhibition. »more
Closing the gender pay gap at ACE and museums 05/04/2018
ACE and many museums have reported on gender pay gaps. »more