ACE and VisitEngland announce collaboration 4 Mar 2013
ACE and VisitEngland agreement creates greater synergy between tourism and culture
ACE and Visit England are collaborating to create a greater synergy between the cultural and tourist offers of areas of the UK. Over the next 3 years, they will be offering £3m in local grants for projects which bring tourism campaigns and culture together. They will also be offering strategic help and expertise to areas which have the potential to grow economically through cultural tourism.
Both organisations are responding to the need for greater partnership working against a background where they have lost aspects of their regional networks to restructuring.
Applications to the £3m Growing Tourism Locally fund will open in early July. Other priorities including building leadership capacity, maximising the legacy of 2012, and possibly extending Visit England’s Visitor Attractions Quality Accreditation Scheme to be used more widely in the cultural sector. DCMS, Visit England