Review of the Heritage Lottery Fund and National Heritage Memorial Fund 7 Dec 2017

DCMS has published its findings following a Review of HLF and NHMF. In general, evidence given in the consultation period was very positive, with 97% of respondents saying that HLF's work is needed and 79% saying it is a ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ effective funding body. Stakeholders were particularly positive about the HLF’s regional presence. Areas highlighted for development by the Reveiw include:  

  • Accessibility: HLF should streamline its processes, collect data about audience diversity and think ambitiously about digital.
  • HLF’s business transformation programme should improve its efficiency. This work has already begun.
  • HLF should also improve governance, and increase the diversity and skills of its Board.
  • HLF should remain at arm’s length from government and should report in a more structured way, particularly around how its work benefits lottery players. The report also advises the Scottish and Welsh government to review their policy directions to HLF, to make sure these are still in line with their ambitions.
  • Echoing the Mendoza Review, HLF should review its relationship with other government funded cultural bodies, and work with them in a more co-ordinated way.

In its response HLF said that many of the recommendations are already being implemented, and that it will be clarifying its priorities in the upcoming Strategic Framework, on which it will be consulting in 2018.