Welsh Government five year programme includes new museums 6 Jul 2021
The Welsh Government has published its ‘Programme for government’ for 2021 – 26, with several commitments for the culture sector including:
- Investment in theatres and museums, including establishing the Football Museum and National Contemporary Art Gallery.
- Developing plans for a Museum of North Wales.
- An application to make the slate landscape of North West Wales an UNESCO heritage site.
- Ensuring the history and culture of Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities are properly represented through investment in culture and museums.
There are also plans for a Transport Strategy, including freezing all new road building schemes and setting a new target of 45% of journeys by sustainable transport by 2040, as well as legislation to abolish more commonly littered single use plastics, and embedding a response to the climate emergency across all activity. A related document lists ten wellbeing objectives, including enabling tourism, sports and arts to thrive. Welsh Government (full programme), Welsh Government (press release), Guardian (roads), Welsh Government (wellbeing objectives), Museums Journal