Sharing skills and knowledge


NMDC member organisations regularly share skills and knowledge about collections and museum practice with colleagues in other museums, galleries, heritage organisations and higher education institutions across the UK.

This forms an important part of their engagement with UK partners. The sharing of skills and knowledge can be achieved through specific projects and programmes, by co-ordinating groups of UK experts, via structured training programmes, by focusing on particular objects or through the development of long-term partnerships. 

In 2011, NMDC commissioned a survey to establish how members share knowledge and skills. This survey informed future NMDC-facilitated activity and a summary is available here.

Leading and supporting research

The UK's national collections and major regional museums perform a special role in leading and supporting research across the cultural sector. More information about research at NMDC members' organisations and contact details for each are available here

Sharing skills and knowledge links


To find out more about NMDC members' sharing skills and knowledge activity, follow the links below:

Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museums Wales:   Sharing Treasures  ArtShare Wales

British Museum:  Sharing expertise

Ironbridge Gorge Museums Trust:  Volunteer programme   Volunteer toolkit

Imperial War Museums:  Projects and Partnerships

National Gallery:  The Gallery Nationwide

Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service co-ordinate the Share Museums East programme.

Science Museum Group:  Science Museum   National Railway Museum   National Media Museum

National Museums Scotland:  Advice

National Portrait Gallery:  Partnership work   Understanding British Portraits  

Tyne and Wear Museums and Archives:  Museum Development

V&A:  V&A UK   V&A National reports

The Museum of London has developed longer-term partnerships and exchanged knowledge through special exhibitions. Details are in this blog. The Museum of London also has a specific role in museum development in London and this includes the sharing of skills and knowledge as well as training for volunteers. More details are available here.

NMDC members also contribute to other networks via the Subject Specialist Networks (SSNs). Some NMDC members co-ordinate an SSN and individuals from our members are involved in many more including  Pre 1900 European Paintings, Human Remains, NATSCA - Natural Sciences Collections Association, Money and Medals, Theatre Information Group, Posters, Social History Curators Group, Contemporary Studio Ceramics, Chinese Collections Network, Geological Curators Group, Scottish Transport and Industrial Collections, Screen Heritage Network, and the Association of Performing Arts Collections.

Further information about training and professional development opportunities in the museum sector can be found on the training pages of the Museums Association website. Other sources of information which have contributions from NMDC members include the London Museums Group and the Guardian Culture Professionals Network

Further information about sharing knowledge about collections can be found at:collections_trust.jpg