
Report advocates ‘flatter, facilitative and more diverse leadership’ 10/10/2018


King's College London publishes 'Transforming Leadership in arts, museums and libraries' to feed into the thinking for ACE's next ten-year plan. »more

V&A Dundee opens in mid-September after eight-year development 11/09/2018


Architect hopes the new building will be a 'living room for the city'. »more

National Museum of Brazil destroyed by fire along with most of its collections 11/09/2018


Includes contact details for any institution wishing to offer specific support. »more

IWM pilot institute seeks to deepen public understanding of conflict 11/09/2018


A collaboration between the museum and academics seeks to give a more nuanced view of complex wars. »more

Headley Fellowships offer curators significant time off for research 03/08/2018


Funding backfills posts for six months so curators can carry out new research. »more

44% say museums are the cultural experience which contributes most to quality of life in ACE survey 03/08/2018


ACE publishes a detailed report of its consultation ahead of preparing a ten-year plan to 2030. »more

The socio-economics of dinosaurs: Dippy storms Dorset 03/08/2018


First leg of the Dippy Tour at Dorset County Museum brought £1.1m to the local economy and more than 153,000 visitors. »more

A New Enlightenment: Strengthening Civic Museums 09/07/2018

The English Civic Museums Network (ECMN) has published a new report: The Future of Civic Museums: A Think Piece. The think piece, authored by Peter Latchford of Black Radley Ltd, was commissioned to examine the particular qualities, value and importance of civic museums, identify the current challenges they face and explore what they should do to thrive and become more relevant and resilient in the future. »more

Cultural Development Fund offers £20m for towns and cities in England 09/07/2018


Areas can bid for £3-7m for a raft of cultural interventions to increase prosperity. »more

British Council report on trust in international relations 09/07/2018


British Council’s international survey finds museums are among the most trusted UK institutions »more