
New appointments at NMDC 11/05/2022


Andrew Lovett has been appointed to the new post of Deputy Chair and Aoife O Callaghan-White is our new Public Affairs Officer »more

£4m available in new round of DCMS/Wolfson Museums and Galleries Improvement Fund 04/04/2022


370 museums and galleries in England are eligible to apply to the latest round of the fund. »more

Open letter: Museums have huge benefits for children beyond passing exams 04/04/2022


An open letter outlines the benefits of museum visits for schoolchildren, from wellbeing to development. »more

Attraction visitor statistics for 2021: with NHM as the most visited museum 04/04/2022


ALVA's statistics show a big variation in recovery by attraction type - with parks, gardens and venues with outside space finding it easiest to bounce back. »more

Spring Statement includes a second round of the Levelling Up Fund 04/04/2022


There will also be further funds for Changing Places Toilets, and a review of Arms Length Bodies. »more

National Railway Museum receives largest ever single donation 04/04/2022


A £2.5m donation from the Liz and Terry Bramall Foundation will fund a new Wonderlab. »more

Figures from national museums show beginnings of long climb back to pre-pandemic visitors 03/03/2022


Figures significantly better than a year ago - but with some way to go to recover pre-pandemic footfall. »more

Solidarity with Ukraine, and practical action from museums as Russia invades 03/03/2022


A round up of how the museum and cultural world has reacted, with both symbolic and practical support. »more

National Gallery X project seeks to close the ‘values gap’ and encourage climate action in the home 03/03/2022


Nesta, National Gallery and King's College London mix art with technology and performance for new programme. »more

Watch by Livestream: Museums and Galleries responding to the Climate and Ecological Crisis Conferenc 03/03/2022


Watch the broadcast of our sold-out conference on 7th - 8th March (no need to book). »more