
Art Fund report on the future of touring exhibitions 08/02/2022


‘Going Places: Touring and shared exhibitions in the UK’ looks at issues from sustainability to networking opportunities - and the importance of the Museums and Galleries Exhibitions Tax Relief. »more

MDE report shows urban and local authority museums among worst hit by the pandemic 08/02/2022


A new report by Museum Development England reveals the far reaching impact of the pandemic on 765 museums and their audiences, finances and workforce. »more

APPG publishes recommendations to help the North flourish socially and economically through culture 08/02/2022


The Northern Culture All-Party Parliamentary Group has published ‘The Case for Culture’ which offers a roadmap towards economic flourishing through better supporting the North’s nascent cultural assets. »more

Balancing optimism with realism – results of AIM survey on museum resilience in 2022 08/02/2022


The survey asked about resilience to the omicron variant over Christmas, and about how museums see their prospects for 2022. »more

The Future of Museums – Maria Balshaw gives the 2022 Slade lecture series 01/02/2022


Individual topics across the seven lectures include the (de)Growth model, the 100 year future and collecting in the here and now. »more

Ipsos MORI Veracity Index: museum curators among the most trusted professionals 10/01/2022


86% of the public say they trust museum curators – the same level of trust as teachers, and just behind nurses (the most trusted at 94%), librarians (93%) and doctors (91%). »more

Take part in the BBC’s Art That Made Us Festival 10/01/2022


Museums are encouraged to sign up by 28th January and gain access to BBC archives and technology. »more

Unique Honresfield Library acquired for £15m by consortium including British Library and NLS 10/01/2022


Original manuscripts by the Brontë sisters, Jane Austen, Robert Burns and others to be shared between museums and libraries across the UK. »more

Charity giving declines 20% among richest - with a handful giving very generously 10/01/2022


Insights from tne new report 'Mind the Giving Gap' - with suggestions to address regional inequality. »more

NLHF gives £1m support to 17 projects to support digital volunteering 03/12/2021


Volunteers will work with a Multilingual Digital Platform at Manchester Museum, and will learn skills including audio editing at Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust, »more